San Diego Jewish Academy
10th Grade Humanities
Art With a Voice Feature Article

Essential Ingredients of Article:

  • Works cited and citations for each quote
  • Title to capture our interest
  • Byline
  • Birth and death dates of artist
  • Artistic movement with which your artist identifies (Romantic, Realist, Impressionist, Victorian)
  • Examples of art created by the artist which demonstrate the traits of the artistic movement
  • Picture of artist
  • Brief biographical sketch of artist
  • (optional) Appropriately incorporate five words from the vocabulary lists of 2-05 to 2-26.
  • Discussion of how artist represents traits of the movement with which he/she identifies (this is the focus of the article)

Format of Article:

  • One 8" x 11" page only
  • Magazine-style feature article including:
    • Title
    • Byline
    • Picture(s)
    • Text in columns
    • Pull-out quote emphasizing point of interest
    • Drop-cap

Due Dates:

4-26 - Artist name, life dates, artistic movement, representational art pieces, works cited

4-30 - Completed draft of article text

4-30 - Revision and editing of draft

- Production of article in Adobe InDesign

5-3 - Final article due for sharing and assessment

19th Century Artists to Consider:

Emily Bronte

Charlotte Bronte

Mary Shelley

William Wordsworth

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

George Gordon, Lord Byron



Eugene Delacroix

Caspar Friedrich

Charles Dickens



Jules Verne

Gustave Couret

Karl Marx

Honore Daumier

Henry James

Jane Austen

Gustave Flaubert

George Sand

Rudyard Kipling

Leo Tolstoy




(or other artist of the 19th century)

Art With a Voice Feature Article Rubric

You have synthesized the essential ingredients




One 8 _ x 11" page only

Title capturing interest


Picture(s) of artist and art with captions

Text arranged in columns

Pull-out quote


Citation format and Works Cited

Biographical information including dates and influences

Incorporated five words from the vocabulary lists of 2-05 to 2-26.

Focus on a discussion of how artist represents traits of the movement with which he/she identifies

your overall performance /50

Site Map | Grade 10 2001-02 Syllabus | Grade 9 2001-02 Syllabus | Quotes | WordList | Glossary | Graphic Organizers | Rules of Thumb | On-Line Resources | WriteDesign | Co-Teachers - Doug and Melissa | Gallery
E-Mail Doug at or Melissa at

Melissa and I would like to
znet for
making a commitment to
education and WriteDesign.