Listed below are samples of grids and layouts, as well as style sheets that may be helpful as you design your publications. The links will expand into files on the hard drive (either in the System Folder or on the Desktop). They can then be opened with either Adobe Acrobat Reader or Microsoft Word.

  • Full-page Grids (Acrobat Reader File)
    Full-page grids that may be used for basic layouts
  • Sample Layouts (Acrobat Reader File)
    Three different layout designs with descriptors
    that show how to use the rules to be creative

To download the files you will need Stuffit Expander. You will also need Acrobat Reader to view the Sample Grids and Sample Layouts files. If Stuffit Expander and Acrobat Reader do not reside on your local hard drive, click below to go the respective Web sites to download the two applications.

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