a old concept in education ever transforming


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E-Mail Doug at mrdoug@aznet.net or Melissa at mjmckinstry@earthlink.net

Martine Franck - Photojournalism - Capturing life

Martine Franck - The wedding of Tory Islander Pauline Doohan to Brian Gallager - 1996

"A photograph is a subjective impression." It is what the photographer sees. No matter how hard we try to get into the skin, into the feeling of the subject or situation, however much we empathize, it is still what we see that comes out in the images, it is our reaction to the subject and in the end the whole corpus of our work becomes a portrait of ourselves. - Marilyn Silverstone - Magnum's Women Photographers, Prestel, 1999 - http://www.photoeye.com/opensearchmagnum.cfm?Catalog=PX021&AID=123456&PID=123456

Site Map | Quotes | Glossary | Co-Teachers - Doug and Melissa | Gallery | Top

E-Mail Doug at mrdoug@aznet.net or Melissa at mjmckinstry@earthlink.net

Melissa and I would like to
znet for
making a commitment to
education and WriteDesign.