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San Diego Jewish Academy
High School Humanities
WebQuest - Myth, Legend, Pop Icon

Site Map | Myth, Legend, and Pop Icon Idea Bank | Quotes | WordList | Glossary | Graphic Organizers | Rules of Thumb | On-Line Resources | WriteDesign | Co-Teachers - Doug and Melissa | Gallery
E-Mail Doug at mrdoug@aznet.net or Melissa at mjmckinstry@earthlink.net


This assignment will take advantage of the powerful resources available on the Internet and combine them with established research techniques to assist the student in creating a presentation about a myth, legend, or pop icon (MLPI). They will also create a poem using literary allusion to the MLPI. The students will present their findings to their peers and instructors using PowerPoint software.

Assignment Rationale:

This assignment will allow students to learn and or refine skills in:

  • working in groups
  • using search engines and the Internet as research tools
  • using Modern Language Association (MLA) formatting for bibliographies
  • writing poetry
  • incorporating multimedia techniques and tools to create a PowerPoint presentation
  • presenting a finished piece to an audience of peers and teachers

Kickoff Piece(s):

  • quickwrite about the meaning of MLPI -
    What is the difference between famous and a MLPI?
  • introduction to four components of MLPI presentation
  • information about how to work in groups
  • introduction to the Quick MLA Style Guide, provides format examples for the MLA style or MLA Style - for the full Monty.
  • demonstration on how to use search engines (AltaVista, HotBot, Lycos, Yahoo, and All-in-One Search Page [this contains most search engines of all types, but is really slow]) For tips on how to use search engines effectively try Help. Each search engine provides its own help so take the time to look for tips specific to each engine.
  • MLPI exercise from Steve Kowit's book In the Palm of Your Hand
  • student choice of book about MLPI
  • demonstrations on presentation techniques
  • PowerPoint demonstration (if you don't want to listen to me, check out an online tutorial for Basic PowerPoint Topics - Office 95) including Guidelines for Effective Slide and Electronic Presentations. Check out the WriteDesign Rules of Thumb for more information.

Essential Ingredients:

Meets WriteDesign "Rules of Thumb" within website


  • researches to find information about MLPI including
    • biography of person
    • influences that acted on person (society, illness, family, the arts, people other than family, politics, geography,etc.)
    • how the person acted to influence the society of his/her time
    • what changed this person's status from mere mortal to MLPI
  • a poem about the MLPI ala Steve Kowit
  • bibliography generated using MLA style guide with at least three Internet references and one book
  • annotation of student choice of book about MLPI in MLPI Idea Bank

Design - In PowerPoint, uses templates or creates own layout with appropriate colors for background(s) and text. Includes images that support message and feel of character as well as reflect why the character is considered a MLPI, e.g., Andy Warhol's presentation would use pop art images created by Warhol and the colors would be bright and raw reds, yellows, etc.

Technology - Uses the Internet, PowerPoint, and appropriate support software and hardware such as PhotoShop, Illustrator, SuperPaint, etc., and scanner. Uses video and sound.

Presentation - Shows confidence through careful selection of wording (like not using like, ya know) and articulation, good eye contact with the audience, and appropriate yet engaging non-verbal communication.

Due Date(s) for Steps of Creative Process:

(November 30-December 4) Concept Development (research, notes, brainstorming [graphic organizers, see CerebralFlatulence on Website], sketching, pre-writing)

(December 7-11) Draft Phase (organize research and create coherent product) Ready for Response

(December 14-18 - begin Winter break) Revision and Editing Phase (further develop and refine, get more response, proofread)

(January 4-8) Final (tight and as perfect as possible within the timeline and parameters of assignment) Ready for Assessment

Research Questions:

These questions are prompts for research of the MLPI

  • What are the critical benchmarks in this person's life?
  • What influences, such as society, illness, family, politics, etc. have acted on this person to mold their character?
  • What has this person done to influence society in his/her time?
  • What are the tools they used to make their voice heard, e.g., painting, writing, music, politics, etc.?
  • What distinguishes this person from others with similar influences?

Rubric: (scored plus, check, minus)

Your presentation demonstrates outstanding, significant, or moderate personal achievement

  • in creating well organized and detailed:
    • biography of person.
    • outline of influences that acted on person (society, illness, family, the arts, people other than family, politics, geography,etc.).
    • list of person's actions to influence the society of his/her time.
    • explanation of person's status change from mere mortal to MLPI.
    • poem about the MLPI ala Steve Kowit
    • bibliography generated using MLA style guide with at least three Internet references and one book
    • annotation of student choice of book about MLPI in MLPI Idea Bank
  • in showing control of spelling, grammar, and mechanics.
  • in using PowerPoint templates or creates own layout with appropriate colors for background(s) and text.
  • in including images that support message and feel of character as well as reflect why the character is considered a MLPI
  • in using PowerPoint and appropriate support software and hardware or other engaging presentation methods
  • in orally presenting material in a clear, concise, and engaging manner avoids hemming and hawing - LIKE YOU KNOW
  • in making good eye contact with the audience
  • in demonstrating appropriate yet engaging non-verbal communication
  • in demonstrating clear plan that shows conscious use of time and emphasis for overall presentation

Site Map | Myth, Legend, and Pop Icon Idea Bank | Quotes | WordList | Glossary | Graphic Organizers | Rules of Thumb | On-Line Resources | WriteDesign | Co-Teachers - Doug and Melissa | Gallery
E-Mail Doug at mrdoug@aznet.net or Melissa at mjmckinstry@earthlink.net

Melissa and I would like to
znet for
making a commitment to
education and WriteDesign.