a new concept in education ever transforming

San Diego Jewish Academy
High School Humanities
Pablo Neruda Style Ode Rubric

Assignment Rationale: To understand the nature of an ode, to take an everyday object and examine it more closely. See metaphorical possibilities in written and visual contexts (which in plain English means, how a term, phrase, or image-which may be created by using typography-is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable in order to suggest a resemblance, as in "…under a sky new-painted every day…")
Kickoff Piece(s): Pablo Neruda ode examples, bio, Il Postino film, and typographic-picture square
Essential Ingredients:

Meets WriteDesign "Rules of Thumb" within website

Writing - Use alliteration or assonance; use unexpected similes or metaphors to create snapshots; use conscious line length; show devotion to object of ode; revise; edit

Design - Use typography as imagery and/or photography or art/illustration to unite the emotion of the ode. The layout should reflect the use of a grid (3, 5, or 7 columns). Powerful use of white/negative space is critical to the layout.

Technology - Use PhotoShop, Illustrator, and PageMaker software and the scanner as appropriate to unify the look and feel of the ode. Other handcrafted materials and technologies may be incorporated; however, the main piece must use the computer as the primary tool.

Due Date(s) for Steps of Creative Process:

tba - Concept Development (research, notes, brainstorming [graphic organizers, see CerebralFlatulence on Website], sketching, pre-writing)

tba - Draft Phase (organize research and create coherent product) Ready for Response

tba - Revision and Editing Phase (further develop and refine, get more response, proofread)

tba - Final (tight and as perfect as possible within the timeline and parameters of assignment) Ready for Assessment

Rubric: (scored plus, check, minus)

Meets WriteDesign "Rules of Thumb"

Uses alliteration or assonance

Uses unexpected similes or metaphors to create snapshots

Uses conscious line length

Shows devotion to object of ode

Takes draft to response group; revises; edits

Uses typography as imagery and/or photography or art/illustration to unite the emotion of the ode.

Uses a grid and white/negative space to support the emotion of the ode.

Uses appropriate software and hardware to unify the look and feel of the ode

Site Map | Neruda's Poetry | Using The Book of Questions | Using Odes | Using Natural Artifacts | Re-Vision | Neruda Bio | Quotes | Glossary | Co-Teachers - Doug and Melissa | Gallery

E-Mail Doug at mrdoug@aznet.net or Melissa at mjmckinstry@earthlink.net

Melissa and I would like to
znet for
making a commitment to
education and WriteDesign.