My Name Is Me and I Am It condensed version
(full assignment using technology over a longer period of time)

Assignment Rationale:

Building community, beginning journey into self, establishing course expectations, and using creative process.

Kickoff Piece(s):

"My Name" from The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros; The Big Orange Splot by Daniel Manus Pinkwater; assorted name books; signatures; shape and line vocabulary; basic composition demo

Essential Ingredients:

Meets WriteDesign "Rules of Thumb" within website

Writing - Create snapshot of your feelings toward your name. It may include history, meaning, and association. Show your control of spelling, grammar, and mechanics.

Design - Use headline type that distinguishes itself from body copy and show careful use of page layout with purposeful positioning of text and white space. Include your signature as an integrated part of the page layout.

Signature created by using crayons, colored pencils, pens, and markers.

Due Date(s) for Steps of Creative Process:

This is all being done in a condensed period of time, so look at these phases as very small steps in the process.

Concept Development (research, notes, brainstorming [graphic organizers, see Cerebral Flatulence on Website], sketching, pre-writing)

Draft Phase (organize research and create coherent product) Ready for Response

Revision and Editing Phase (further develop and refine, get more response, proofread)

Final (tight and as perfect as possible within the timeline and parameters of assignment) Ready for Assessment

Rubric: (scored plus, check, minus)

Creates snapshot of your feelings toward your name.

Includes history, meaning, and association.

Shows control of spelling, grammar, and mechanics.


Uses headline type that distinguishes itself from body copy

Shows careful use of page layout with purposeful positioning of text and white space.

Includes signature as an integrated part of the page layout.


Signature created by using crayons, colored pencils, pens, and markers.

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