San Diego Jewish Academy
9th Grade Humanities
"California by Rail" Personal Narrative Rubric

Site Map | Grade 9 2001-02 Syllabus | Quotes | WordList | Glossary | Graphic Organizers | Rules of Thumb | On-Line Resources | WriteDesign | Co-Teachers - Doug and Melissa | Gallery
E-Mail Doug at or Melissa at

Prompt: What did you learn about yourself on the Cal-By Rail trip? Choose at least on example from each of the three areas: Judaic, Academic, Interpersonal/Social/Emotional.

Product: Create a written piece using first-person perspective in which you explain what learning you have accomplished for yourself in these three areas. You may use any genre to convey your narrative: poetry, story-telling, essay, article, letter, or a combination.

Timeline: We brainstormed together on Monday. Monday and Tuesday you should look through your fill-the-well book and pictures/mementos from the trip and formulate your rough draft. On Wednesday you'll show the draft to Ms. McKinstry and get feedback. Your final piece, typed and edited, is due Friday.

Rubric Elements - 30 points possible

Completely - Mostly - Somewhat - Barely

  • Address each of the three areas with at least one specific, developed example.
  • Relate a sequence of events/learnings and communicate the significance of the events/learnings to the audience.
  • Locate scenes and incidents to specific places.
  • Describe with concrete sensory details the sights, sounds, and smells of a scene specific to the actions, movements, gestures, and feelings of the characters; use interior monologue to depict the characters' feelings.
  • Pace the presentation to accommodate time and mood, including a sense of lead and a sense of ending.
  • Wordprocess and design the final piece neatly and thoughtfully.
  • Edit for correct spelling and mechanics.
  • Include photos, drawings, or mementos for bonus.

(adapted from the English-Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools, grades 9 and 10, Writing Applications)

Site Map | Grade 9 2001-02 Syllabus | Quotes | WordList | Glossary | Graphic Organizers | Rules of Thumb | On-Line Resources | WriteDesign | Co-Teachers - Doug and Melissa | Gallery | Top
E-Mail Doug at or Melissa at

Melissa and I would like to
znet for
making a commitment to
education and WriteDesign.